Kazakh craze
The saw much-anticipated, duly-hyped I might add, Borat movie this weekend.
What the critics are saying is absolutely true:
1) It is, arguably, the funniest film of all time.
2) Be prepared to laugh like you haven't in a looooooong time.
3) For a "joke" film, it has moments of near tear-jerking profundity.
I laughed so hard at points that I literally thought my sides would seize and suffocate me; a pleasure I haven't experienced since I saw Patton perform with the Comedians of Comedy in Chicago this past April. I also thought that I would start crying, especially at the end, when the reality of the typical American’s ignorance and bigotry really hits home.
Speaking of; trailer alert! My Borat viewing featured a trailer for the Reno 911! film that I didn't even know was in the works; also starring, amongst the rest of the State/Reno/Viva Variety day players, Mr. Patton Oswalt. It's slated for release in February 2007.
Oh yeah. It promises to be awesome.
Sleepy Science
I've been quite the moviegoer as of late; about three weeks ago I made it out with friends to see film writer/director extraordinaire Michel Gondry's latest masterpiece, The Science of Sleep. Aside from being brilliantly written and directed in Gondry's true dream-sequence style, it starred the man who the mere mention of his name summons near-orgasmic responses in men and women alike; Gael Garcia Bernal.
As I was saying.
While the plotline was somewhat hard to follow due to the fact that Gondry made no attempt at distinguishing the main character's dream life from real life (assuming, of course, that the two were mutually exclusive), the imagery -- as always in his films, videos, and commercials -- was jaw-droppingly gorgeous.
I also loved the fact that the dialogue in the film was conducted in Spanish, French, and English -- sometimes all at once. It just was yet another endearing quirk with which Gondry's works are always so well-saturated. Although, I had to agree with Beth, I would not have liked to have been in charge of the subtitling of the film.
Future Travels and Goings-on
My week-long visit to Seattle is fast-approaching; plane leaves November 19th! I'm also planning on Chicago visits between Thanksgiving and Christmas and also New Year's Eve weekend to celebrate the incoming of my 27th year with Dee-ah-nah.
And, quite possibly, a Dallas trip early next year will be in order to visit my bloggy cohort?
Regardless, reports will be sure to follow. Stay tuned!
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Note to Self: Future Husband Must Be Willing To Relocate to NYC

The trip to NYC was wonderful, yet strange. At a loss for words right now, but the thought that keeps running through my ticker is that I'm never more myself than when I go to NY. In this city of millions, I get more of a sense of my individuality unlike I've never experienced. Someone please move there with me soon. That's what I'm going to wish for tonight. I'm posting some highlights below:
On The Ave. Hotel
This is my 5th trip to NY and I'd never stayed on the Upper West Side before. A little bit of a hike to the 72nd street 1 train, but it was definately worth it. And with a nice welcome note from the plasma television, this hotel was a treat.
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart
The show was great, the 2 1/2 hour wait in the pouring rain was not. We did everything we could to stay dry and pass the time, including "sitting" up against the wall, wishing for a rob corddry skit, texting Mindy about the hot gays in front of us in line, wondering why no one else was as grouchy as me. But I have to say Jon certainly made up for it. He is such a handsome man, much more so than the "squirmish jew vibe" he claims to give off on TV. Shawn Wayans was the guest, promoting his latest box office bomb, Little Man. (why does Hollywood keep greenlighting Wayans bros. scripts?-----FUCK!!!!!!!!!) and Ed Helms had a story on a straight man that was appalled at the gay neighborhood he moved into in San Francisco. Side Note: Ed Helms is a closet pimp. While his story was running, he was standing in the studio stage left watching it on the monitor in jeans and a t-shirt sans glasses and helmet hair.....aka..totally cute.
The Magnolia Bakery
Ok, ok, I know going to "the" Magnolia Bakery is kinda dorky, cliche, and not cool, nor funny anymore, but I couldn't help it! They really do have the bomb frosting. I would have bought a baker's dozen and shipped them straight to my stomach, but it was scorching outside and heat mixed with lots of sugar= equals pukey pie. Amanda and I sat in the park across the street from the bakery and macked on our delicioso cupcakes. Some sprinkles fell off, but not to worry the pigeons helped us with the mess.
What's for Breakfast at Cosi's?
We unexpectedly came across Cosi's on our way to the subway on Thursday morning. Holy shit! It was like a vision! "Yes, sir can I have a plain squagel with cream cheese and a tall vanilla latte?"
If I thought that Wesley Willis died, I was wrong. His ghost has inhabited a crazy man on 14th street. Someone get this man a drum machine and a casio. After every sentence, he makes a "cccrrrr" sound like he's changing the channels in his noggin. He also believes that Harrison Ford and the guy from "the transporter" should do a movie together.
I gotta wrap this up, but before I do, I gotta make a couple recommendations:
Pick up Corinne Bailey Rae's new album. I bought it recently, not because she's VH1's newest buzz musician, but because Teitur co-wrote a song on the album called, "Choux Pastry Heart", and anything Teitur touches is amazing and beautiful. Her lyrics are everything that I've been realizing lately and could not come at a better time. I like her because you can't put her into a category and that, to me, says a lot.
"Long Way Down" by Nick Hornby. No reason. It's just a good read. Go buy it because I said. Word.
Think Worldly.
Monday, July 10, 2006
While I used to frequent movie theatres often, it seems there's never time anymore. It's not a lack of interest or funds, there's just always something more pressing to attend to -- such as watching Cardinals games from the comfort of my sofa -- and invariably I'll miss the theatrical release.
Then the DVD release. Then maybe, if I remember, I'll catch it on IFC or one of the Encores (the only movie channels included in our satellite plan).
But no more. This year I resolve to make it out to see at least one of the following (in order of importance):
A Scanner Darkly
X-Men: The Last Stand
Superman Returns
The Borat Movie
Strangers with Candy
While Linklater's pretention and ego is normally too huge to fit a box of popcorn -- let alone an audience -- into a movie theatre, I must admit that my interest in all things "end of the world" is piqued. Plus, the film's rotoscoping animation style in of itself is enough to get me off the sofa...after all, it was is so captivating that I even sat through all of Waking Life at the Tivoli.
X-Men and Superman
I'm of the firm opinion that it's only worth seeing "Action" genred films on the big screen, with the big sound. Until I can set that up at home, regardless of how campy (i.e. Sky Captain, Harry Potter films), I'll always be willing to spring for the theatre.
Borat and Strangers
Regardless of how horrible these may turn out to be (The Onion's AV Club reviewer gave Strangers what-for), they feature some of my favorite comedians, so it's worth the risk to me.
Conversely, a movie I specifically intend to not see -- and I'm sure Fraction Jackson here is with me -- is this piece of shit. I was reminded that this disaster was in the works this weekend thanks to G4's promos for its Kevin Smith Icons feature, which was "brought to you by..." this film. Then I finally caught its nauseating trailer last night during the Cards game.
Kev, I used to love you...but I don't even know you anymore.
Then the DVD release. Then maybe, if I remember, I'll catch it on IFC or one of the Encores (the only movie channels included in our satellite plan).
But no more. This year I resolve to make it out to see at least one of the following (in order of importance):
A Scanner Darkly
X-Men: The Last Stand
Superman Returns
The Borat Movie
Strangers with Candy
While Linklater's pretention and ego is normally too huge to fit a box of popcorn -- let alone an audience -- into a movie theatre, I must admit that my interest in all things "end of the world" is piqued. Plus, the film's rotoscoping animation style in of itself is enough to get me off the sofa...after all, it was is so captivating that I even sat through all of Waking Life at the Tivoli.
X-Men and Superman
I'm of the firm opinion that it's only worth seeing "Action" genred films on the big screen, with the big sound. Until I can set that up at home, regardless of how campy (i.e. Sky Captain, Harry Potter films), I'll always be willing to spring for the theatre.
Borat and Strangers
Regardless of how horrible these may turn out to be (The Onion's AV Club reviewer gave Strangers what-for), they feature some of my favorite comedians, so it's worth the risk to me.
Conversely, a movie I specifically intend to not see -- and I'm sure Fraction Jackson here is with me -- is this piece of shit. I was reminded that this disaster was in the works this weekend thanks to G4's promos for its Kevin Smith Icons feature, which was "brought to you by..." this film. Then I finally caught its nauseating trailer last night during the Cards game.
Kev, I used to love you...but I don't even know you anymore.
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Welcome! ....to my lazy Sunday

Welcome to the first post for "Standing on 14th Street, Tales from a Velour Recliner! So glad you found us in our miniscule corner of the net. Hopefully this will be the start of something great! I got the job of commencing the first writing and I've been completely clueless as to what to write about. When I went to college, my first english professor always liked to drill the idea that you should "write what you know". But what if you only know pop culture minutiae? (Which as we all know is similar to having what the French call "shit for brains") On this blog, Janelle and I hope to unravel the greatest mysteries behind life's biggest questions.......just kidding..........but we do hope to make you giggle, chuckle, chortle, shriek, snort, guffaw, howl, beam, and convulse with laughter. (sometimes)
My lazy sunday:
Apparently there is an untapped goldmine at the local Sonic
Where do I apply? ooops...just kidding...they were talking about the shakes being rich...not the actual employees. If you want to break it down shake-wise, the employees earn($) about 1 1/2 shakes per hour. Shake it! Shake it!
I will never find a better mall than Firewheel Town Center
I actually loathe most malls, but not Firewheel. An outdoor mall, they have inconspicuous bose speakers weaving in and out of the plants, trees and lampposts. And they blast the best music. No Carpenters or Josh Groban here, they rock to the sounds of Radiohead, The Shins, and Neil Young. I like coming there stictly for the good time I have walking around listening to the music. I like to think that it makes the shoppers smarter, better people. Arming a society with good music-choosing ability instead of guns would cut down on so much unnecessary hate crimes!
So I turned down several opportunities to go "hang out" this weekend (which is code for "miller time"). I used my lame excuse, "I have to save $ for my trip to new york, guys! Sorry! But have a good time!" ....and while I had the best intentions, I was going insane by 11:30am Saturday morning. I convinced myself that I deserved a new pair of shoes since I would be doing so much walking in NYC. Nevermind the fact that I have a new pair of Adidas Running shoes, and killer blue and brown Kangaroos. I swayed myself saying "well........the adidas are for the gym and the kangas won't match most of my outfits." So, without any further adieu.....let me introduce my new friend, Rocket Dog. I was going for a rugged, Pee Wee Herman-style shoe. These are my first pair of Rocket Dogs and let me tell you, we are quickly becoming the talk of the town. Hail, Hail Rocket Dog!!!!!
I pass this sign everyday and yet today I felt such contempt. When I first moved to Dallas, I used to avoid this highway completely. Not because it's a tollway and I'm cheap, but because a highway that is named after someone that is still alive is just disgusting. Not to mention czar-like. Why couldn't it be named after a good citizen of Texas....like Larry Hagman?
Even on my most boringest day, I can still "write what I know". It's never that hard. I will be travelling to my home in a pastlife (NYC) on Wed and I'm sure that I will have lots to tell, as I don't plan on being bored in NYC. I'm going to live out my lifelong dream of singing on the subway for money. ....photos to follow.....
Love life in the new week ahead!
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